Recent Articles about Dominican Books
Sister Colleen Mary Mallon, OP, Dominican Sister of Mission San Jose
Check out Colleen Mary Mallon’s article for Faith and Leadership titled “Embodying Veritas – A charism for pursuing truth in love”, where she writes about recommitting to the gift of the Spirit that fuels her organization. The article highlights her new book titled Inclusivity and Institutional change in Education, which she hopes can be a contribution to our […]

Sister Shamus Visits New Hyde Park
Dominican Sister of Amityville Shamus Eileen Dwyer worked in Holy Spirit Church in New Hyde Park, Long Island, for many years, first as a kindergarten teacher, then as a parish visitor and then she as the founder of the consolation ministry. But on Friday, May 12th, she visited there as an author to tell stories from her […]
Development Director Amy Palmer Contributes Chapter to Book on Faith-based Planned Giving
For many people, asking for money – even for an organization or cause they believe in – can be a challenge, and so can discussing death. Yet, some members of faith-based communities are charged with doing both as they ask benefactors to consider a planned gift – a donation left in a will or other […]
Sister Laurie Brink Authors Book “The Heavens Are Telling the Glory of God: An Emerging Chapter for Religious Life, Science, Theology, and Mission”
Dominican Sister of Sinsinawa and professor of New Testament Studies at Catholic Theological Union Laurie Brink, OP, released her book “The Heavens Are Telling the Glory of God: An Emerging Chapter for Religious Life, Science, Theology, and Mission” in January. Building on the work of Teilhard de Chardin, the New Cosmology integrates scientific facts and […]