Dominican Justice Promoters Historic Annual Meeting

‘A Call to Align our Justice Mission with Province and Congregational Communicators, Leaders of Laity in a Troubled Time’
Dominican North America Justice Promoters

The Dominican Justice Promoters of North America met on June 27th to 29th in Des Plaines, Illinois to renew its mission and direction. Thirty-three participants gathered from California, Washington State, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Missouri, Kentucky, New Jersey, New York and other parts of the United States. We were proud to have a more inclusive representation of the Dominican Family of North America with representatives of the friars of Canada, Dominican Laity and Province and Congregational Representatives joining our annual meeting. Joining us were Communicators: Stacy Spitler of Grand Rapids, Angela Kessler of Adrian, Kate Martin of San Rafael, Gina Ciliberto of Hope and Michael Wilmsen of the Central Province.