Publication Guidelines
Please read and follow the publication guidelines before submitting an article for consideration. All articles received by the deadline for an issue will be considered for that issue or possibly a later issue. Please know that articles considered may be reformatted to fit the layout of the website. For publication dates and deadlines for articles, please click here.

Article Guidelines
DomLife accepts:
- Press Releases
- Feature Stories
- News Briefs
- Book Reviews
- Preaching Resources
- Photos for “Photo of the Week” (please include a blurb with the photo)
Length: Your article should not exceed 1,000 words
DomLife does not accept:
- Individual Jubilees (Exception: there is a Jubilee posting that comes out once a year that is updated regularly. The Jubilee posting on DomLife is titled “Summertime and Sisters’ Jubilees.”)
- Birthday celebrations (exception: 100+ Birthday)
- Obituaries
- Funding requests
- Advertisements not connected to the Mission of DomLife
Photograph Guidelines
- 300 dpi/resolution
- Width – 2400 pixels
- Height – 3600 pixels
Rights and Permission
It is the responsibility of the author to obtain permission for the use of any copyrighted material, including images, sound, and video files. It is preferable to place images directly in the text but, when permission is unobtainable, it is acceptable to include a link to the image directly in the text.
We assume that you have the right to grant the use for all materials you provide. It is your responsibility to verify this prior to submitting any materials for publishing.