Vocations New DVDs are resource for vocation discernment

Sister Jeanne Harris, OP (Mission San Jose), communications specialist with Wordnet Productions, announces the completion of two new DVDs promoting consecrated life.

“Parenting Vocation” (40 minutes) presents a JS Paluch panel of parents of religious priests, brothers, and sisters explaining their journey supporting their son or daughter (including Dominican women and men). View trailer

“Called to Love,” the first sequel to “Jesus Calls Women,” presents consecrated celibacy by Sandra Schneiders, IHM (78 minutes), and a variety of women’s congregations, including Springfield and Sinsinawa Dominicans (63 minutes). View trailer

“Jesus Calls Women,” a 30-minute video in English and Spanish produced in 2009, which is used extensively by dioceses and congregations across the country, presents a brief survey of consecrated life as told by women religious including Mission San Jose Dominicans. View trailer

All have comprehensive discussion guides.

For more information about Wordnet Productions and to order DVDs, visit their web site.