Preaching at the Ohio Dominican University centennial celebration

young_sisters_groupYoung Dominican Mission Team

During the Columbus Day weekend, the Young Dominican
Mission Team (Michelle Schultz, Dan Cummings, and Sean Mundy) traveled to Columbus, Ohio to participate in Ohio Dominican University’s centennial celebration. Michelle, Dan and Sean are members of Dominican Young Adults USA and have participated in both the high school and college preaching conferences.

With a mixture of personal witness talks, song, fun, and facts about St. Dominic and the mission of the Order, the team conveyed to their audience how important these experiences have been in forming their spirituality and their future connection to the Dominicans. The target audience is young adults, but the presentation is designed to touch a wide variety of people and age groups. The team members each say without reservation that their associations with the Dominican Order have made a tremendous difference in how they live their lives.

Sister Catherine Colby, OP, director of the Center for Dominican Studies at Ohio Dominican University, told the team that a chapter of Dominican Young Adults USA will be up and running at the university by this time next year!

Videos of Young Dominican Mission team presentations are available on YouTube at