Dominicans Embracing the Heart of Laudato Si’ Lights a Spark
The Laudato Si’ Action Team from the Dominican Sisters and Associates of Racine, Wisconsin hosted an inspiring day for Dominicans and supporters. The Zoom presentation, called Dominicans Embracing the Heart of Laudato Si’, took place on Wednesday, September 20, 2023 with more than 140 people registered for the day.
The presenters included Dr. Lorna Gold, CEO of FaithInvest and President of the Laudato Si’ Movement Board of Directors, Elizabeth Garlow, Co-founder, Francesco Collaborative and Senior Fellow, New America and Catherine Devitt, Programme Manager of FaithInvest. In addition, the day included speakers and storytellers from the Dominican family who brought the gifts of Laudato Si’ alive, including Sharon Zayac, OP, Dominican Sisters of Springfield and Colette Kane, OP Dominican Sisters of Cabra and Program Director, An Tairsearch, Wicklow, Ireland. S. Marilin LLanes, OP, Dominican Sisters of Adrian, Lisa Kane, OP Dominican Sisters of Racine and Pat Siemen, OP, Dominican Sisters of Adrian and the Dominican Climate Solutions Fund.
“During our planning meetings, the teams from the Racine Dominicans and FaithInvest talked about the goals of the day. I asked them to set our hearts on fire, which they certainly did! It was such an inspirational day and we saw the spark of what is to come,” said Ann Pratt, Laudato Si’ Facilitator for the Racine Dominicans.
Attendees joined in from across the United States as well as from Ireland, Kenya, Buenos Aires, Italy, and Mexico. Spanish interpretation made it possible for many Sisters and supporters to join us and participate fully. The day gave attendees a better understanding of how faith-first investing can bring about a new economy that benefits people and planet as we work to restore right relationships. While many congregations are not sure where to start, the resources shared helped to give some direction, and the discussion very quickly led to the idea that collaboration amongst religious communities could make an even greater impact.
“We hope the seeds of collaboration were sewn that we may be able to make real change to the communities we serve,” said Maryann McMahon, President of the Dominican Sisters of Racine. “Together we have the chance to make real, generational change in our world.”
“Eleven Sisters from the province of Mexico participated at this workshop, reflecting a shared urgency in our hearts to respond as Family to the crisis of our Common Home. This, in of itself, is a case of the multiplication of the loaves. As a province, we put into the basket our two fishes in the spirit of subsidiarity. We sense beneath all, God’s ardent longing for us to claim our deepest Self for the good of our World,” said Helena Im Jeong, OP and Francisca Quintero Osorio, OP from the Dominicans Sisters of Mission San Jose, Chiapas, Mexico.
Does your congregation want to know more about faith-first investing? Or are you interested in being part of further conversations about collaboration to make lasting change in our communities? If you would like more information, please contact S. Ann Pratt, Laudato Si’ Facilitator for the Racine Dominicans, at