FLT April Update

April 19, 2022 

Dear Dominicans, 

Against the backdrop of our Lenten journey, the horrific Russian invasion of Ukraine and  stumbling efforts around the world to return to some semblance of normalcy, the Futuring  Leadership Team has grappled with the economic uncertainty that will impact the future of religious life in ways yet unknown. We recognize a return to “doing business as usual” is not feasible for us, nor for the rest of humanity. Given that, the Futuring Leadership Team is preparing for the graced crossroads ahead with a team building event at the end of May and  booking ahead for the in-person meeting with DSC executive committee and DSC leadership in  Milwaukee next fall. 

The database is coming along. ZenaComp is in the process of adding the fields we need and  getting our menus ready. Joanne Caniglia is designing the survey which will be sent to all Sisters  under 70 after the first week of May. We urge everyone in the Cohort to fill it out, so we have a  more complete picture of who we are in all our variety. We are looking for a few volunteers to help enter the data, and we need one person from each congregation to volunteer to ensure that their congregation’s data is complete and correct. If you can help with either of these tasks,  please email us at futuring-leadership-team@googlegroups.com.  

Four of the affinity groups that launched in February agreed to meet regularly. The topics under  discussion are Justice: Care for Creation & Immigration, New Members, Unlearning Racism,  and Seeing with New Eyes – Science and Theology. Group conveners will be receiving an invitation this month to let us know how things are going and if help is needed promoting their  ideas. Conveners will prepare a brief video clip telling the Cohort what they would like us to  know about their groups. Those clips will be shown at the next quarterly meeting in May. Sisters under 70 are asked to mark your calendars now for that meeting and plan to attend one or both!  

Sunday, May 15 at 12-2 PT, 2-4 CT and 3-5 ET 

Monday, May 16 at 4-6 PT, 6-8 CT and 7-9 ET 

Peace and blessings, 

Sisters Pat Magee (Hope), Lorraine Reaume (Adrian), Kathleen Tait (Springfield), Mai-dung  Nguyen (Peace), Donna Moses (Mission San Jose), and Carol Dempsey (Caldwell)