Discernment Days Approach for New Core Group of Dominican Leaders
APRIL 20, 2021 — We invite all Dominican sisters and associates to join in prayer for two days of discernment that will take place April 25 and May 16, 2021. The purpose of the discernment is to identify the Dominican sisters who will serve as the core leadership group for Dominicans under 70.
Our hope is that these women will steward, or shepherd, the common futuring movement of Dominican Sisters in the United States across DSC congregations.
A recent story in DomLife (February 21, 2021) reported on this new development from the Dominican Sisterhood Futuring Task Force, a subcommittee of the DSC (Dominican Sisters Conference) Executive Committee. Jointly, members of the Task Force and Executive Committee are planning the discernment process and about 20 sisters are considering service on this new core group. Sr. Joan Scanlon, OP (Peace) will serve as facilitator.
Our hope for the core leadership group is that they can make real and concrete a shared vision of Dominican Life and Mission. The DSC will offer its full support to these leaders under 70. We see the new leadership group as a distinctive entity within the DSC who will serve as a catalyst for a yet unclear future. As the Sisterhood Task Force completes its work, the DSC hopes that a new structure will assure a permanent vehicle for moving our Dominican life into the future with whatever vibrant and visionary ideas emerge as we go forward. Our hope is that the group will act in a way that is strategic, emergent, and relational.
This is no easy task! And it may seem quite formidable to think that any group, no matter how large or small, skilled or capable, can accomplish something none of us can readily see. The future is unclear, and yet, we know the Spirit is working among us. In the words of Isaiah, “How beautiful upon the mountain are the feet of those who announce peace and bring Good News.”
This discernment process is a critical event in our common life across congregations. We all hope that the Spirit will guide and enfold those who are open to this exciting, and expansive moment. We invite you to join us all in praying for the discerners and those leading the process.
Members of the DSC Executive Committee:
Janice Brown (Adrian), Anne Lythgoe (Peace), Maryann McMahon (Racine), Pam Mitchell (Sinsinawa), Terry Rickard (Blauvelt), Corinne Sanders (Adrian) Dusty Farnan (Adrian – DLC NGO) Mary Ellen O’Grady (Sinsinawa – Interim DSC Executive Director)
Members of the Dominican Sisterhood Futuring Task Force:
–Diane Bridenbecker (Mission San Jose), Michaela Connolly (Blauvelt), Elise Garcia (Adrian), Rebecca Ann Gemma (Springfield), Toni Harris (Sinsinawa), Pat Sieman (Adrian), Pat Twohill (Peace), Mary Ellen O’Grady (Sinsinawa – Interim DSC Executive Director)