Heartland Center for Spirituality: Theology Institute, “Integral Ecology”
Theology Institute
Integral Ecology, by Linda Gibler, OP
July 21-25, 2017
Heartland Center for Spirituality
Great Bend, KS
Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si’ calls for a renewed exploration of what it means to be human in relationship to a suffering planet. In this Theological Institute, we will explore what the Earth, Laudato Si’, and our Dominican tradition might be asking of us. In our days together, we will take an ecological look at key passages in the Bible, explore cosmocentric perspectives on Sacraments, Prayer, and Preaching, and ask ourselves how our Dominican charisms (personal and communal) call us to respond to an “Integral Ecology.”
Linda, a Dominican Sister of Houston, is the Associate Academic Dean of the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio. She also lectures and gives workshops on the significance of recent scientific discoveries for Catholic theology and spirituality. Her book, From the Beginning to Baptism: Scientific and Sacred Stories of Water, Oil, and Fire was published in 2010 by Liturgical Press.
Cost: $295, includes registration, room and board.
Registration: http://tinyurl.com/lw5ha9y