13 Dominican Sisters and Co-Workers Advocate for Drive SAFE Legislation
November 19, 2024, Lansing, Michigan – Thirteen Adrian Dominican Sisters and Co-workers were among more than 180 advocates at Michigan’s State Capitol on November 12, 2024, calling for the passage of a set of bills that would restore the right of all Michigan residents – including undocumented immigrants – to apply for a driver’s license.
The Drive SAFE (Safety, Access, Freedom, and Economy) bill package would make non-commercial Michigan driver’s licenses and state identification cards available to applicants who do not have proof of U.S. citizenship or immigration status. The legislation also provides that all drivers be trained, screened and tested, and required to carry auto insurance, enhancing the safety of Michigan roads. The involved bills include Senate Bills 265, 266, and 267, and House Bills 4410, 4411, and 4412.
The bills have the support of communities of Catholic Sisters in Michigan. “As women of faith we support this legislation because it honors the inherent dignity of all persons and supports the safety and welfare of all Michigan residents,” the Sisters said in a joint statement issued on the day of the advocacy. They added that having driver’s licenses and state IDs gives residents the ability to care for their families and get to and from work or school without fear of being arrested, detained, and deported.
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