From the Futuring Leadership Team

The Futuring Leadership Team (FLT) met with the Executive Committee of the Dominican Sisters Conference and Congregational Leaders at the DSC Annual Elected Leaders Meeting in Columbus, OH, and generated ideas for initiating conversations on the future with the Under 70 Cohort.
In early November over 130 from the Under 70 Cohort participated in two Zoom meetings to engage in proactive thinking about the future amid the uncertainties of a post-pandemic world. The Futuring Leadership Team gave an overview of their mission and presented initial plans to develop a common database and convene affinity groups on topics of interest. Sisters in the Cohort agreed to actively engage the conversation about our shared future NOW from a narrative of abundance and explore the question of how to come together in a more concerted way as one Dominican family.
In the coming days members of the Cohort will meet to further the discussion of affinity groups, database development, and the future of the Dominican Order in the United States and worldwide.