Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose Welcome Candidate to Novitiate

Fremont, CA – Fatima Morales began her novitiate as a Dominican Sister of Mission San Jose with the Rite of Initiation into Religious Life celebrated at Evening Prayer of the Body and Blood of Christ on June 5.
At the Motherhouse Chapel in Mission San Jose, Fatima received the Dominican habit from Sister Cecilia Canales, Congregational Prioress.
Present were her parents and three of her brothers as well as Sisters from the Motherhouse communities and Immaculate Conception Priory, San Francisco, where she lived during her candidacy. Members of the Congregation and friends participated via Zoom.
As a candidate, Fatima took graduate courses in Sacred Scripture and formation classes. In addition, she ministered at ICA Cristo Rey Academy, San Francisco.
A school psychologist, Fatima is a native of Houston, TX. She learned about the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose through online searches of religious congregations. She will begin her novitiate at St. Thomas More Community, Tucson, AZ, and minister at the Catholic Newman Center at the University of Arizona.