Sister Reg McKillip, OP Appointed North American Justice Promoter

Sister Reg McKillip was recently appointed DSI (Dominican Sisters International) North American Co-Promoter of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation by Sister Margaret Mayce, DSI International Coordinator. Sister Reg was elected to this position by the Leadership of the North American congregations and was recommended to Sister Margaret and the DSI Coordinating Council.
Sister Reg is a Dominican Sister from Sinsinawa. She currently serves as the Promoter of Peace and Justice (PPJ) for her Congregation. She previously served in this role from 1998 to 2008. She has long been involved in justice and peace efforts, including membership on the Mercy Institute Justice Team (2009-2012). These experiences also included collaboration within the Dominican Family in the United States through various committee work. She was on the first delegation to Iraq which began the U.S Dominican relationship with our Iraqi sisters. The Dominicans in North American are grateful to Sister Marcelline Koch of Springfield for her six years of service and her commitment to justice and peace efforts around the world.