Siena Retreat Center – ‘Strengthening Communities in Need: Spirit-Filled Approaches’
In light of increased crime, violence and poverty in urban areas, what does it take to strengthen a community? Care of body, mind, soul-spirit, and community relationships are all part of building and restoring neighborhood well-being and social change. On February 20th, 2018, from 6:30-8:30pm at Siena Retreat Center in Racine, WI, the executive directors of two centers in Milwaukee will share the stories of people who come to their centers in need, those learning to engage as neighbors, and those they train as mentors. Their programs address immediate needs, literacy, household budgeting, GED and computer education, gardening and home-building, and community development. Within all of this is group sharing and personal care for the spirits and spirituality of those who come.
One of the presenters, Patricia Rogers, OP, is the award-winning Executive Director of the Dominican Center for Women. With a history of counseling, teaching, and leadership in many religious and societal spheres, she broadens the center’s effectiveness through engagement and partnerships with the Amani area residents and community partners to build a better future in Milwaukee.
Co-presenter Vincent Noth is Executive Director of Riverwest Food Pantry. With valuable experience in community and organization development in the Peace Corps and Youth and Family Ministries for Eastbrook Church, he has served Milwaukee’s central city since 1999. Their team trains volunteers to walk with interested pantry shoppers toward greater economic and social stability.
This event is part of Siena Retreat Center’s Situations of Substance series which addresses on-going societal “situations”- complex concerns that call for our attention. For cost and more information or to register, visit or call 262-898-2590.