Dominican Sister of Peace Nadine Buchanan Awarded by Martha’s Giving Circle

Columbus, OH – Sister Nadine Buchanan, OP, and her Columbus, OH, Street Outreach Ministry has been awarded a $4,000 grant by the Martha’s Giving Circle, an initiative of the Columbus Catholic Foundation.
Sr. Nadine takes food, clothing and other aid to women on the streets of Columbus, OH daily. She is an active volunteer with the Franklin County Catch Court, a local therapeutic jurisprudence program for trafficked women, and also volunteers with Freedom Ala Carte′, a catering company that offers training, employment and support to women who have escaped trafficking. In 2014, Sr. Nadine was honored with an Ohio Liberators Award for her work with trafficked women.

The Catholic Foundation grant, which was presented at the annual Martha’s Giving Circle Award Ceremony on June 14, 2017, will aid Sister Nadine in her street ministry to trafficked women on the streets of Columbus, OH.
In response to receiving the grant, Sr. Nadine said, “This wonderful gift will enable me to branch out to more areas where the women are in great need, and add to the services that we can provide. The Martha’s Giving Circle is a perfect example of Matthew 25:40, when Jesus says, “Truly I tell you, whatever you do for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it for me.”
Catholic Foundation Vice President of Grants and Diocesan Partnerships Amy Parker said, “The women in the Martha’s Giving Circle were deeply touched by Sr. Nadine’s witness to us about her street ministry. Many of the members contacted us after the program to ask us what else they could do to help. As women, they could identify with the plight of these trafficked women and wanted to help Sister Nadine continue to offer God’s help to them.”
Sr. Nadine is currently working with other community organizations to host a health care clinic for women on the street in July.