Dominican Sisters of Peace: ‘New Orleans Peace Center Teaches Peace through Fun’

New Orleans, LA – Novelist William S. Burroughs said that “The aim of education is the knowledge, not of facts, but of values.” Peace Camp, an annual summer program created and managed by the Peace Center, teaches kids the values of peace and conflict resolution through fun and education.
Located on the divide between Gert Town and Marlyville/Fontainebleau neighborhoods, which were badly damaged by Hurricane Katrina, the Peace Center is a ministry of the Dominican Sisters of Peace.

The Peace Center’s third annual camp for boys ages 7 to11 was held June 5-9. Six youngsters joined the camp counselors and several Sisters for a week of fun aimed towards building peace. A second camp for girls will be held June 19-23.
The week begins with a “contract” between the campers and the staff. Each camper commits to what he/she might do to become a peace maker in his/her own community, and those contracts are posted for all of the campers and staff to see and share.
Over the course of the 5-day camp, the campers have the opportunity to meet with rehabilitated animals and learn about ecology, swim and canoe at a property owned by the Dominican Sisters of Peace, play games, and meet with members of the New Orleans Police Department and members of the NOPD Mounted Division.

“Every activity we plan is intended to teach our campers methods to build and maintain peace,” said Sister Pat Thomas of the Dominican Sisters of Peace Center. “Whether teaching love of animals and the outdoors, playing games that teach them to follow rules and manage the occasional conflict, or meeting with members of the NOPD that help keep peace in the city, we want to teach all of our campers the values of peace and justice.”
About the Peace Center
Peace Center in New Orleans, LA, is a founded ministry of the Dominican Sisters of Peace. The Peace Center provides outreach and a place of peace and caring for residents surrounding the center. The Peace Center also provides enrichment programs for persons of all ages in the neighborhood.