‘Joseph Cardinal Tobin Visits the Caldwell Dominicans’

On May 6th, with Scripture focusing on the Good Shepherd, recently installed Joseph Cardinal Tobin was welcomed at the Caldwell Motherhouse to celebrate Mass and meet our sisters and associates over dinner. Sister Patrice Werner, Prioress, presented Cardinal Tobin with a print of our stained glass Stations of the Cross designed by Sister Gerardine Mueller. After spending time at the Motherhouse, Cardinal Tobin joined Sister Patrice, the rest of the Leadership Team, and the residents of St. Catherine’s Convent and Healthcare Center for dessert. Cardinal Tobin went from table to table speaking with the sisters and a few of the archdiocesan priests who reside at St. Catherine’s.

We are truly blessed that Cardinal Tobin has been appointed as our archbishop as we have already seen his spirit for justice at work. Known for his advocacy for immigrants’ rights, Cardinal Tobin has actively supported Union City resident Catalino Guerrero in his fight against deportation that would take him from his wife, four children, and his grandchildren. The Cardinal is known for his willingness to speak out in defense of truth. Cardinal Tobin is a member of the Redemptorist Order and his comfortability with religious sisters was quite apparent. The Church of Newark has indeed been blessed.