Dominican Sisters Recommend Prayer with Your Ballot

The Dominican Sisters Conference invites you to spend a few moments with God before you go into the voting booth.

We are making available a reflection tool called Take it to Prayer: A Spiritual Reflection for Voters. The brief guide is meant to help busy people prepare themselves spiritually before they vote. It was developed by the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Ill.

“Voting is one of our primary responsibilities as U.S. citizens,” explained Sister Marcelline Koch, OP, who is the justice coordinator for the Springfield Dominican Sisters as well as the North American Co-Promoter for Justice and Peace. “‘Why does my ballot matter?’ you might think. Because we are citizens of the most powerful nation on earth, the tiny pebble that is my ballot can make big waves around the universe, especially when we consider that the health of Creation, our common home, may depend on it.”

Take it to Prayer was inspired by the Catholic tradition of examination of conscience. Often used by Catholics as a prayer at the end of the day or before going to confession, and examination of conscience is a way to discern where and how a person has acted in accord with God’s grace, or not, in the course of a day.

Copies of Take it to Prayer are available free here and at