News from Dominican Institute for the Arts

Dominican Insitute for the Arts (DIA) member Sheila Flynn, OP recently exhibited at the Gretchen International Print Exhibition in Switzerland and was a participant in the GIF Book (31 South African artists contributing 101 prints) which has been purchased by the Smithsonian.
“The print’s title is ‘Load-shedding.’ I drew from a real snake skin, using it as a metaphor for transformation. We have to ‘let go’ to be transformed,” said Sister Sheila. “The central symbol is an ancient symbol for power—we are empowered by grace when we open ourselves to God’s work in us on behalf of others. The smaller symbol in the left hand corner is the ‘on-off’ button—the power to change and be transformed is in our hands, with grace.”
Sister Barbara Schwarz, OP recently published a DVD and calendar celebrating Dominicans living 800 years of the Charism.