Photos of the Week – Dominican sisters gather in New York to attend UN event
UN Commission on the Status of Women
By Margaret Mayce, OP (Amityville)
“It is no secret that we live in dark times and that we often feel perplexed and discouraged. When we reflect on the story of the women who went to the tomb on Easter morning, carrying their perfumes, perhaps we can learn something from their ability to deal with events with both wisdom and boldness. We see these women, carriers of perfumes, rising early on the ‘first day of the week,’ ‘when the sun had risen,’ to anoint the body of Jesus. The reference to the ‘first day’ and ‘sunrise,’ accompany their vision of a scene submerged in a universe of new meaning. We are at the beginning of the new creation and the light of the Risen One enfolds them in its splendor. They are aware of the size of the stone and of their inability to move it; but this is not an obstacle to them in their determination to go and anoint the body of Jesus (…).” (Cf. Dolores Aleixadre RSCJ).