Sister Kathleen appointed principal of St. Peter in Aurora

Sister Kathleen Gallagher, OP of the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois has been appointed principal of St. Peter Catholic School in Aurora, Illinois, effective July 1. Sister Kathleen was the principal at St. Peter’s from 1981–1991. During some of those years she also taught primary grades. She has been teaching second grade and also junior high religion at St. Peter’s since 2008.

Sister Kathleen has also been a principal at St. Therese in Aurora and Holy Cross in Mendota, and she was assistant principal at Holy Angels in Aurora.

“Returning to my old role here at St. Peter’s is turning out to be a gift,” Sister Kathleen says. “I am pleased at the positive, welcoming response I am receiving from parishioners, students and parents. God will bless us as we move through yet another challenge of keeping Catholic education alive.”

Dominican sisters have ministered at St. Peter Catholic School since 1931. For more information about the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, visit their web site at