Photos of the Week – Dominican Alliance Eco-Justice Committee meets in Wisconsin

The Eco-justice Committee of the Dominican Alliance met at the Bridge-Between Retreat Center in Denmark, Wisconsin to begin the groundwork for designing their next program for presentations at motherhouses across the Midwest and beyond. The next program will be the fifth in a series of events to inform and engage sisters and others about the interdependence of all life, and the justice issues of living together on the planet in a sustainable manner.
The fifth program will include contemplative prayer and will focus on helping participants experience creation in a way that leads to conversion of hearts and minds. It will seek to help people make connections between their home bioregion and that of others—respecting and protecting the great diversity that is our Creator’s gift to us. Caroline Sullivan, OP, director of the Bridge-Between, offered directing questions and reflected her insights back to the group.
During the business part of the time together, the members reflected on the call of the Dominican Sisters Conference at the convocation in Wheeling, Illinois, in early October, and how the Eco-Justice Committee might assist in the education and engagement of Dominicans everywhere on the issue of climate change and interdependence.
This retreat was made possible thanks to a generous grant from the Dominican Alliance Leadership.
Article and photo submitted by Mary Navarre, OP (Grand Rapids)