Mexican Dominicans travelling from California to D.C.
The Dominican Family Justice and Peace Commission in Mexico wrote a letter to the Dominican family in the United States, seeking solidarity with their Caravan for Peace, which began Aug. 12 and continues through Sept. 12. Participants in the caravan are family members of victims of violence in Mexico. The caravan will be hosted by U.S. Dominicans at several locations throughout the U.S. More photos and information about the caravan will be posted in the Sept. 12 DomLife update.

August 17, 2012
To: Dominican Family USA
Re: Mexican Caravan for Peace in the USA
From: Dominican Family Justice and Peace Commission in Mexico
Our dear sisters and brothers in St. Dominic,
We write you from Mexico seeking your solidarity with the Mexico/United States CARAVAN FOR PEACE which has just begun this week. The caravan will travel Aug. 12–Sept. 12, 2012 and traverse the U.S. from San Diego across the Mexican US border and then continue north and east to Washington D.C. It is already on the road. See details below and please join us!
The participants in this caravan are primarily family members of the victims of violence. Javier Sicilia is leading the group of parents, siblings and friends of the disappeared and assassinated in Mexico. His son was killed in Cuernavaca in March 2011. Additionally activists in Mexico and the United States are with the caravan organizing the logistical needs. Global Exchange from California is a key organizer from the U.S. and will have staff members with the caravan. Follow the caravan at
The caravan will engage the public in dialogues on bi-national drug policies, money laundering, the sale of arms from the U.S. to Mexico and the awareness of the thousands of victims from the “war on drugs.” Mexican Dominicans participated widely in 2011 in two caravans within Mexico. Fray Miguel Concha, OP; Bishop Raul Vera OP; Sr. Aline Ussel, OP; Fr. Gonzalo Ituarte, and many other Dominican laity, sisters and friars journeyed north and south in Mexico in solidarity with the families of the victims. These caravans of compassion gave voice to the cries and agony of the distraught family members and raised awareness of the impunity in the acts of violence.
Your participation now as Dominicans in the United States is strongly encouraged. As Dominicans in Mexico, we invite, encourage you, to reach out to your neighbor Mexico and stand with us for justice. The staff at Global Exchange have been key in organizing this caravan in the U.S. Visit their web site for the route details, and ways you can participate. Those in the caravan from Mexico need housing, meals, places to speak, publicity, musicians, artists and financial support. As Dominicans in Mexico, we encourage you to make the Dominican family presence known in this significant caravan for peace and dignity.
Jesus calls us in the Parable of the Good Samaritan to reach out to our neighbor, to take time and be a healing presence to those in need. Stand for justice on these key issues around drugs and arms sales. Together we can work binationally for systemic changes on these key issues. Come join us on this caravan for peace and nonviolence. Help spread the word of this event through your technology communication networks.
We ask you to keep those participating in the caravan in your prayers these next weeks. If you would like to participate, please contact Kathy Long, OP.
Thank you and peace!
Your sisters and brothers In St. Dominic,
Dominican Family Peace and Justice Commission Mexico,
Miguel Concha, OP, Friars, Director of Fr. Vittoria Center of Human Rights
Daniel and Bet Barrios, Dominican Laity
Alejandra del Cueto, Dominican Laity
Maria Mapelli, Dominican Laity
Dorys Gilma, Dominicans of the Presentation
Magdalena Flores, Dominicans of Christian Doctrine
Susana Carillo, Dominicans of St. Thomas
Fide Luna, Associate with Dominicans of Incarnate Word
Marisol Lopez, Dominican Youth Movement
Luz del Carmen Dominguez, Dominicans Queen of the Rosary/ Mission San Jose
Kathy Long, OP, Dominicans of Sinsinawa, WI USA