Dominican congregations, groups celebrate feast day
Feast of Saint Dominic
What would Saint Dominic be preaching in the United States today? Is Saint Dominic’s preaching relevant for our times, or was it solely aimed at his own?
There are so many ways to approach these questions. One way is to revisit Dominic’s last will and testament: “Let your treasure be voluntary poverty, guard humility, have charity.” Not only did Saint Dominic live this message, these were the values that he yearned to transmit to his followers, like you and me! Wouldn’t you agree that our contemporary culture is in need of these values? For me, the Dominican tradition propels me to face the challenges in our country like consumerism, greed, and fundamentalism with hope, courage, and compassion. As you grapple with the meaning of Dominic’s deathbed legacy for you, try to discover how you can be an incarnation of Dominic’s wildest vision here in the United States and beyond.
My prayer for you on this feast of our founder Saint Dominic is
that you grow in your commitment to BE the GOOD NEWS OF JESUS CHRIST in our times, much like Dominic was in his.
Sister Margaret Ormond, OP
Dominican Sisters of Peace

by the Dominican Sisters of Blauvelt during Vespers for the Vigil of the Feast of St. Dominic.

Solemnity of St. Dominic 2011
Homily by Fr. Brian Mulcahy, O.P.
From Dominican Daily
Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology: Reflection on St. Dominic and his vision for the Dominican Order by DSPT student Br. Ambrose Sigman, OP on the collaborative blog by the Dominican Students of the Western Province
Did you know that Saint Dominic is also the patron saint of astronomers? Read more about the life of Saint Dominic on Wikipedia.