Springfield Dominicans Girls grow in faith at Dominican Faith Camp


The hallways of Sacred Heart Convent echoed with laughter as Dominican Faith Camp got underway. The annual summer event was a three-day retreat in which girls in elementary and middle school enjoyed fellowship with each other, visited and prayed with the Sisters, explored their faith and learned more about the Dominican charism. The idea for Dominican Faith Camp developed from a Dominican Alliance meeting of vocation directors.

dfc_sister_buddy_lgThirty-six girls and two adults attended this year’s event. The girls participated in crafts, movies (with discussion), visits with Sister Buddies at meals, prayer time as a group and with the entire Motherhouse community, and other recreation. As a special service project, the girls made pretzels and shared them with the sisters living in Regina Coeli, Sacred Heart Convent’s assisted care facility.

Parents attended the welcome picnic on Sunday afternoon and a closing ceremony on Tuesday evening. During the closing ceremony, each girl introduced her Sister Buddy and shared something she had learned about the sister. They also viewed pictures taken during camp. Before they departed, all the campers and parents were blessed by the sisters as they sang “The Dominican Blessing.”

As usual, good-byes were peppered with “Thank you,” “I had a great time,” and “I’ll be back next year.” Several of the girls had attended before and indicated they want to return next year. Some of the girls are inviting their friends to come with them. The Springfield Dominicans are already looking forward to next summer, when old and new friends can come together for an enlivening week of fun, shared faith and youthful enthusiasm.

See more photos at www.springfieldop.org

Story submitted by Dawn Boyer, Communications Director, Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois.