Blauvelt Dominicans Sisters celebrate transfer of leadership

On Sunday, June 26, the Sisters of St. Dominic celebrated the transfer of leadership during a Eucharistic liturgy. The liturgy began with a procession of ministries, during which sisters, associates and lay people who work with the sisters carried in signs representing the many diverse places in which they serve. The gospel choir from St. Augustine Parish in the Bronx provided rousing music for the Liturgy.
Following the homily, the sisters who served in leadership from 2005 to 2011 (Sisters Mary Malone, president; Catherine Howard, Patricia Howell and Dorothy Maxwell, councilors) were recognized for their service. They presented framed copies of the chapter directives to the new leadership team.
The newly installed leadership team is composed of the president, Sister Catherine Howard, and three councilors: Sisters Michaela Connolly, Ann Daniel Young, and Joan Agro. Together, these sisters will share the administrative, pastoral and planning responsibilities for the life and mission of the congregation for the next six years.