‘Sinsinawa Dominicans Hold General Chapter, Elect Leadership’

SINSINAWA, Wis.—The Sinsinawa Dominican Congregation held their 24th General Chapter at their motherhouse April 2-9, 2016. They set direction for 2016-2021 and elected new leadership, working under the theme “Setting Out Anew Together.”
The Sisters developed a new Direction Statement for 2016-2021, which states, “Called forth by God’s expansive love and mercy for all creation, we claim and embrace God’s mission to be our mission. As contemplative women of the gospel, preachers of truth, and minsters of mercy, we hear the cries for mercy and compassion moving us to a radical gospel response of unconditional love; we call ourselves to respond to the needs of immigrants and refugees and to seek ways to relieve suffering; we are compelled to risk our comfort and privilege to confront the evil of racism; we commit ourselves to the urgent summons of Laudato Si’ to care for Earth, our home. Graced by the Spirit and strengthened by our Sinsinawa Dominican legacy, we promise to hold each other in radical grace and respect as we set out anew together.”
As Sinsinawa Dominican women, we are called to proclaim the Gospel through the ministry of preaching and teaching in order to participate in the building of a holy and just Church and society (Mission Statement). The leadership team includes Prioress-elect Antoinette “Toni” Harris, OP, and Councilors-elect Pamela “Pam” Mitchell, OP (Vicaress); Colleen Settles, OP; Elizabeth “Betsy” Pawlicki, OP; Patricia “Pat” Beckman, OP; and Angelo Collins, OP. They will be installed June 2016. They bring a wealth of knowledge and willingness to serve their congregation. Sister Toni previously served as prioress of the congregation, 2000-2006, followed by nearly seven years with Dominican Sisters International as international promoter for justice and peace. Sister Pam, an attorney, is a councilor on the current leadership team who will finish their five-year term in June. Sister Colleen serves as vice president of mission at Providence Saint John’s Health Center and John Wayne Cancer Institute, Santa Monica, Calif. Sister Betsy is an attorney with the Illinois Education Association, an affiliate of the National Education Association. Recently retired from 45 years of ministry in Catholic education, Sister Pat has been taking classes and volunteering in Sturgeon Bay, Wis., at St. John Bosco Catholic School, where she was principal. Sister Angelo ministers as associate dean in the School of Education and Counseling Psychology at Santa Clara University in California.
Sister Toni reflected, “A chapter event for a religious congregation is a sacred opportunity. Together, we pause and consider again why we’re in the world, what we want to be in the world and how we will manifest what we hope to be. Grounded in communal contemplation and deep conversations about these essential questions, we identified our directions and priorities for 2016-2021. In the spirit of the chapter theme, we have set out anew together.”
The Sisters thank all those who held them in prayer during their Chapter.
Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters live and minister in your diocese. They invite you to learn more about our worldwide Dominican family, the Order of Preachers. For over 800 years, Dominicans have continued to preach the Gospel in word and deed. Today, thousands of sisters, nuns, priests, brothers, associates, and laity minister in more than 100 countries around the world. Visit our website at www.sinsinawa.org.