<strong>North American Dominican Promoters of Justice, Peace and Care of Creation</strong>
The North American Justice Promoters priorities:
Recent Articles
Dominican Month for Peace
We are Part of a Worldwide Network
We call the Dominican Family to lift our voice toward “an even wider ‘we’ [that] will help renew the human family, build a future of justice and peace, and ensure that no one is left behind.” (Pope Francis, World Day of Migrants and Refugees, 2021.)
These efforts are augmented by our Dominican presence at the United Nations in New York, Geneva, Nairobi, and Vienna.
“The ministry of the North American Dominican Promoters of Justice, Peace and Care of Creation is to encourage all members of the Order of Preachers and their associates to embrace a deepening of the Dominican charism to search for and preach TRUTH as it impacts the lives of people and planet.”