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Here Are Links to Stories About Events
on September 21st

Dominicans in Rome March for Peace

ROME, Italy, September 25, 2006--- Over 400 Dominicans marched in the streets of Rome on September 21st as they participated in a world wide Day of Prayer for Peace. Sponsored by the United Nations.

Master General, bro. Carlos Azpiroz-Costa, OP,called on Domincians to wrap the world in prayer, especially in light of the escalating voilence in Iraq and the Middle East. READ MORE

The Intimacies of War: A Personal Reflection
on a Global Tragedy

Sister Rihab Mousa, OP

No one wins at war. I can’t claim to be an expert on all war, but I’m intimately aware of the effects of one war in particular, the one in Iraq. I know the suffering my brother and sister-in-law face every day when they wake up to the empty crib that was to cradle their baby son.
Read her editorial on the losses of war. READ MORE

Columbus Dominicans Offer Creative
Way to Participate

COLUMBUS, OH-- On September 21, 2006, the first service was held during the day at the congregation's Mohun Health Care Center and focused on the theme "Wrap the World in Prayer for Peace." Prior to the special service, several staff members assisted some Sister residents in preparing small globes for each resident and staff member. READ MORE

Dominican Sisters of Hope Ring Peace Bell

OSSINING, NY-- September 21, 2006 - Dominicans gathered around the Peace Pole and Bell at the Mariandale Conference Center on the banks of the Hudson River. See the photo essay of their participation in the International Day of Prayer for Peace. READ MORE

Sinsinawa Dominicans Process Toward Peace

Sinsinawa, WI,- September 21, 2006 - Domincans Sisters, associates, employees and guests gathered around the Peace Pole in the front of the Mound to begin a prayer and procession for peace on September 21st. The procession moved indoors to the Gathering Place and many sisters joined the prayer for the world, especially for the people in Iraq and the Middle East. View a Photo Essay.

Great Bend Dominican Sisters Join World Wide Prayer for Peace

GREAT BEND, KS September 21, 2006---Dominican Sisters of Great Bend hold hands in prayer around the peace banner that was erected Friday in front of their convent. The banner says: "Peace, because good planets are hard to find." The sisters hope people will pause as they pass and offer a prayer for peace in their community, state, nation, and world.

San Rafael Dominicans Put Peace Ads in Local Theaters

MARIN COUNTY, CA.-- September 21, 2006 --Between screenings of Pirates of the Caribbean, Part 2 and Hollywoodland at the NorthGate Mall in San Rafael, the Dominicans Sisters promoted peace through a series of cinema advertisements. Peace: Because Good Planets are Hard to Find (a message from the Dominican Sisters of San Rafael) was shown 2,000 times from September 22 to October 2nd.

Listen to the RADIO interview of br. Carlos on Roma Radio about the September 21st March for Peace.

Related Links

More Photos of the March in Rome

Full text of letter from the Master General

Letter from International
Co-Promoters of Justice and Peace

United Nations International Day of Peace website

Suggested Prayers and ways to participate

Recent Messages from Dominicans in Iraq


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