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Dominican Sisters of Hope Ring Peace Bell

Folks begin to gather around the peace pole in front of the main entrance of Mariandale Retreat & Conference Center. The prayer was prepared by Nancy Erts, OP and lead by Janet Corso, associate and administrator of the Ossining Center of Hope. Staff of the Center, residents, staff of the Intercommunity Novitiate and novices, and others who work on our grounds were present for the service which began at the peace pole and concluded around the bell.

The bell tolled after each petition for the various peoples of the world and was followed by a moment of silence.

The sign of peace was an expression of our desire for peace throughout the world. The rite used was from the Middle Eastern, Assyrian, Chaldean Catholic rite - We take the peace from each other and when it reaches the last person, it is sent out to the universe.

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