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Culture of Peace

The Issue: Israel and Palestine
The economic, humanitarian and violent crisis in the Middle East continues to prevent peace in a region where peoples have been longing for peace. We will stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in the region and call for international efforts to bring peace.

We pledge to:
Incorporate the Israel/Palestine conflict into the Iraq Coordinating Committee’s work;
Develop background and advocacy resources;
Continue to support the Palestinian solidarity project.

Things you can do:

Support the Palestinian Solidarity Project. This is supported by Dominican Sisters International.

Understand that peace in the Middle East is not about one country, but many who have a long violent history. Learn and appreciate the complexities of this part of the world.
A good source: Understanding the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict, by Phyllis Bennis

Advocate against the continued construction of the security wall being erected by Israel with US support to contain the Palestinian people.

Related Links:

United Nations News Center on the Middle East

Israel and the Occupied Territories:
The place of the fence/wall in international law (Amnesty International)