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(letter from the international promoters)

Call to Solidarity in the International
Day of Prayer for Peace

28th August 2006

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ

The International Dominican Commission for Justice and Peace, at the request of the North American Promoters of Justice Peace and Care of Creation, which met in Adrian Michigan, July 22-26, 2006, invites all Dominicans around the world to join together in prayer for peace on September 21, 2006, a day designated by the United Nations as International Day of Peace. The Adrian meeting was held when the violence of the Middle East escalated into open war in Lebanon and Israel. In the midst of this new wave of violence and retribution, North American Dominican sisters and brothers listened intently to their Dominican Sisters from Iraq who had come to be with the community in Adrian and to share their hope for peace.

We recommend to you the invitation by our sisters and brothers of the North American Promoters of Justice and Peace. They are asking all Dominicans around the world to join together in prayer for peace on September 21, 2006, a day designated by the United Nations as an International Day of Peace.

We invite you to participate in whatever way is fitting and appropriate to your circumstances. Gather together in prayer in your communities, join marches for peace in your region, and stand in solidarity with other peacemakers.

If you have any plans for the celebration of this day please let us know so that we may post it on our webpage so that others may be inspired and encouraged.

In addition please send us a short report with photographs (via email) after the 21st of September so that we may include it in HIGHLIGHTS, and on our webpage.

We encourage you then to join the Dominican Family in wrapping the world in prayer on that day so that we might be in solidarity with one another and with all peacemakers.

General Co-promoters for Justice and Peace,

sr. Marie-Therese Perdriault, OP

fr. Prakash Lohale, OP


Related Links

Full text of letter from the Master General

United Nations International Day of Prayer website

Recent Messages from Dominicans in Iraq

Download a 6 inch version of the logo in a Word document.

Sign the Declaration of Peace Pledge

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