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October 19, 2011

Dominican Sisters Conference
Congregational leaders meet in Springfield

Fall was definitely in the air when 90 sisters arrived on the beautiful campus of the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois, to attend the first Elected Leaders Assembly of the Dominican Sisters Conference Sept. 30–Oct. 3. The theme for the gathering was “Deepening Dialogue, Nurturing Hope and Birthing Life and Mission Anew.” Read more

Dominican Sisters of Peace
Vows of marriage for associates Mary and Bob

On Oct. 7, the feast of the Holy Rosary, two Associates of the Dominican Sisters of Peace were married at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Dodge City, Kansas. The story of their separate life journeys—and how they intersected to arrive at the opening of this current chapter—is not only unique, but intimately entwined with their common Dominican connection. Read more

Priest in the News
The Rev. Thomas Saucier does ‘double duty, with grace’

A recent story in the Columbia Missourian (a community news organization directed by professional editors and staffed by Missouri School of Journalism students) focuses on a Dominican priest who is serving as pastor of two local parishes. Read story

UN Briefing
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change will be convening in Durban, South Africa next month. States and civil society members will be discussing new developments in the environment, policy recommendations, and adaptation to climate change. While most people usually consider climate change as an isolated concern, this cross-cutting issue affects a multitude of others, including gender inequality, peace and security, health, and economic development. Read article by Dominican volunteer Alexandra (Alex) Sajben.

Nun in the News
Sister Mary Catharine shares insights on cloistered life

Dominican Sister Mary Catharine Perry, novice mistress of The Monastery of Our Lady of the Rosary in Summit, New Jersey, was featured in a recent article in the National Catholic Register, “Dominican Nun Delves into the Mystery of the Rosary.” Writes Kathryn Jean Lopez in her introduction: “In an interview to mark the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, she provided a deeper window into the cloistered life in the New York metropolitan area and does what Dominicans do so well: teach about the Rosary to those of us outside monastery walls.” Read article

Dominicans in the Americas
Update from 500th Anniversary Committee

In preparation for the 500th anniversary of Dominican presence in the Americas, a steering committee has been formed by Sister Toni Harris, OP, to commemorate this event. We invite the Dominican Family to find ways to celebrate this preaching presence beginning with a webcast on Nov. 21 and throughout the year 2012. The committee has compiled an extensive list of opportunities and upcoming events. Read more

Immigration Reform
Five congregations of Dominican sisters sponsor summit

On Sunday, Sept. 18, the Hope Justice committee held an Immigration Summit at Mariandale in Ossining, New York. Attendance was over 100. The goal of the day was to contribute to a shift in the U.S. approach to immigration law and practice, and to develop strategies for future collaboration. Sponsors included The Dominican Sisters of Hope, Dominican Sisters of Amityville, Dominican Sisters of Blauvelt, and Dominican Sisters of Sparkill, New York; and the Dominican Sisters of Caldwell, New Jersey. Read more

Faith and Film

Bring your hand sanitizer: “Contagion” is a reminder that we are a global village. With jets crisscrossing the globe every day, a virus can indeed move undetected from continent to continent, infecting millions by casual contact. The film is not perfect, but it is entertaining. Read review by Tom Condon, OP.

Previous updates:

October 5, 2011 Sept 21, 2011 Sept 7, 2011
August 24, 2011 August 10, 2011 July 20, 2011

The next Dominican Life | USA update will be published on Wednesday, November 9. Deadline for submission of articles/photos is Friday, November 4.


DSC convocation
Oct. 4–7, 2012

The first convocation of the Dominican Sisters Conference will be held Oct. 4–7, 2012 at the Westin Hotel in Wheeling, Illinois. The theme is "Edge Walkers: Unfolding the Fertile Unknown."

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New web site

The Dominican Province of St. Joseph has revamped its web site. A version of the site is specially designed for iPad users.

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Friars speak to Capitol Hill staffers

The Congressional Catholic Staff Association in Washington, DC, recently sponsored a series of talks on “Catholic Essentials” for staffers on Capitol Hill. In September, Fr. James Brent, OP, gave a talk on “How do faith and reason enrich one another?” and Br. Justin Brophy, OP, spoke on the proofs for the existence of God using natural reason. Fr. Andrew Hofer, OP spoke on Faith and Reason in the Approach to Scripture. On Oct. 11, Fr. John Paul Walker, OP spoke on Christian Faith and Modern Science, and on Oct. 18, Fr. Nicholas Lombardo, OP spoke on “Original Sin: A Misunderstood and Entirely Reasonable Doctrine.” From Dominican Daily

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