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Human Trafficking
Convener: Sr. Joyce Ann Hertzig, OP (Grand Rapids)


traffickingStop Trafficking Newsletter
Rescue and Restore Campaign
USCCB: Human Trafficking
Border Town (2007)- film: Mexico's murdered women find a voice in Bordertown, a new film casts blame on both sides of the border for the scandal
Price of Sugar – DVD Bill Haney's devastating documentary, The Price of Sugar, explores the plight of migrant Haitian sugar cane cutters
Continuum of Action




Read an article from Stop Trafficking newsletter.


Share a copy of a curriculum or issue of Stop Trafficking  on with a school teacher or teacher of  parish  religious education.

Write a short review or recommendation on a video which involves human trafficking and organize a church or community showing of the video.

Research through the internet, church, government agency one group that works on the issue of trafficking of persons.

Take one action to support victims or one action for advocacy that addresses the systems that affect trafficking of persons.

Contact and collaborate with a local justice group/groups in action on behalf of human trafficking awareness.

Be aware of the U.S. Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act and pending immigration legislation.


Write a letter to your Senator asking for the U.S. to ratify the U.N. resolution on Human Trafficking without reservations.

Ask your Church social concerns group to host a speaker or plan a workshop
on Human Trafficking.