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Millenium Development Goals
Convener: Frances Thibodeau, OP (Roman)

End Poverty 2015
UN Cyber School Bus
UN’s Stand Up and Take Action Campaign
Catholic Charities Campaign to Reduce Poverty in America

Continuum of Action





Identify a lead person for the MDG issue group



Invite congregations and provinces to membership in group through story on

“Call to Justice” will be on by 8/1/09

End Poverty 2015

UN Cyber School Bus

Invite justice promoters to become familiar with these sites and to make their congregations aware of them


Millennium Development Goals

Invite sisters and others with whom we work to select one goal and explore it domestically and globally


Link congregational mission statements with MDGs

Invite justice promoters to use community listservs, websites, meetings, etc. to promote “infusion” of MDGs into what sisters are already doing;  ask promoters to be intentional about finding links between current justice actions and MDGs, encouraging sisters to perceive the global dimension to their local action


Reread Earth Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Catholic social teaching documents, etc.

Cite relevant texts from these documents in brief informative passages about the MDGs using the  justice page of


UN conferences that touch on some aspect of the MDGs: and Margaret’s UN reports on


Promote letter-writing to elected officials during these conferences to remind officials of their stated commitment to implement the MDGs


UN’s Stand Up and Take Action Campaign

Urge participation in this campaign by congregations and groups with whom we work


World Social Forum

Spread awareness of this forum as an complement to meetings of the G-8 or G-20


Catholic Charities Campaign to Reduce Poverty in America

Add the global dimension of the MDGs to the promotion of this campaign whenever possible