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New Letter from our Sisters in Iraq

September 21, 2006

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Thanks be to the Lord for all His graces, especially for His presence, that we felt deeply. [as we made our retreat September 1-8] The sisters passed these days peacefully, in spite of all the difficulties of having a shortage in electricity…etc.. and being separated in three small different convents. So I had to be present for each group, and move from one to another.

Our six days on the moutain of Tabor, praying and happy hearts around the world, were crowned with a big celebration on 8th Sep and witness in Renewal of Vows and Professions of our sisters. It was indeed a wonderful day in the midst of so much anguish, and a great witness and hope for the local church and for the relatives of celebrating sisters, who came from different places: Mosul, Kirkuk, and Baghdad and for us too.

Thanks be to God that the Sisters returned safely to their communities. They feel surrounded by the prayers of their Dominican family. We need your prayers to get courage and wisdom to know how to live, how to minister, what word to preach in these days when we, and our people are in such danger and country is torn apart by this war. Really we need the Holy Spirit to guide us as we discern what future directions we may take .

It seems that the conditions in Iraq, especially in Mosul, are becoming worse and more dangerous after the speech of the Pope at Regensburg University which caused a big shock for Muslims and violent reactions against the Christians in Arab areas of Iraq.

That is why we are thinking of buying another house, in another village, to save the young sisters (novices and students ) from living in such a risky situation. Also, we prefer to distribute some older sisters to our communities in the villages. Thank you for your generosity, your donations will help us to achieve this project.

O Lord , our world and our country need a miracle of peace, we pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

We are sure of your constant prayer for us, we depend on it.

Love and thanks from your sisters,

Sr. Maria Hanna, OP
Sr. Marie Therese

Related Links

More Photos of the March in Rome

Full text of letter from the Master General

Letter from International
Co-Promoters of Justice and Peace

United Nations International Day of Peace website

Suggested Prayers and ways to participate

Recent Messages from Dominicans in Iraq


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