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Read the Iraq Study Group Report and Advocate for Peace in Iraq

Sample Letter to the Editor

Change Course in Iraq

Dear Editor:

Newsweek recently reported that a Princeton University poll indicated that 58% of Americans surveyed said that they were not confident that the US government could establish a stable democratic form of government in Iraq over the long term. In addition, the US Catholic Bishops have called for an honest assessment of our moral responsibilities toward Iraq and that the present administration should commit our nation to a policy of responsible transition.

Bishop Thomas G. Wenski, Chairman, USCCB Committee on International Policy, said, ““Our nation cannot afford a shrill and shallow debate that distorts reality and reduces the options to ‘cut and run’ versus ‘stay the course,’”

But a change in course is growing more urgent every day. Close to 50,000 Iraqi citizens have lost their lives because of an ill-conceived and poorly planned assault on their country by the United States government. By what logic would the US continue on a course that offers no way to measure victory or determine success? What does success in Iraq look like? When there are only 60,000 Iraqi citizens dead? 80,000? 100,000? How does President Bush measure victory? The answer to this question should determine the course in Iraq.

Responsible transition gets us out of this quagmire and recognizes that the presence of US military in the country is serving as a magnet for further violence and chaos. By what logic can we claim a moral high ground when we can offer no reasonable assurance that continued US troop presence will bring some greater good to Iraqi’s people?

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Iraq Coordinating Committee Urges Citizens to Call for a Change of Course in Iraq

With the coming change in the balance of power in the Congress, the Iraq Coordinating Committee (ICC) is urging citizens to speak out and advocate for peacein Iraq. READ MORE


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