Coordinating Committee Urges Voters to Call for a Change of Course
in Iraq RIVER FOREST, IL [10/10/06]--
As the mid-term congressional elections get closer, the
Iraq Coordinating Committee (ICC)
is urging citizens to speak out and ask questions of political candidates
about the war in Iraq.
The ICC met with Dominican Sister Diana Momeka, OP,
a native of Iraq who is presently in the US. She described the
current situation in the country, noting that US troops are a magnet
for violence, especially in Baghdad, where the killing and suicide
bombings are concentrated. Sr. Diana said that most Iraqis believe
that the situation in the country cannot get any worse than it is
now and that US troop withdrawal would be a first step in reducing
violence and bloodshed.
Newsweek recently reported that a
Princeton University poll indicated that 58% of Americans surveyed
said that they were not confident that the US government could establish
a stable democratic form of government in Iraq over the long term.
In the same poll, 64 percent said we were losing ground in US efforts
to establish security and democracy in Iraq
The Iraq Coordinating Committee believes that as long as US troops
are present in the country, anti-American forces will continue to
perpetrate violence and bloodshed leaving Iraqi citizens more and
more vulnerable.
Meeting recently in Adrian, MI, the ICC is calling on justice promoters
to encourage their members to urge a change of course in Iraq. The
ICC continues to call for military withdrawal from the country --
which grows deeper into civil war and chaos each week. As President
Bush insists that America stays the course and accuses
opponents of a cut and run policy, the Iraq Coordinating
Committee recognizes that another way is possible, changing course
in Iraq will open the door to a reduction in violence over the long
haul and will push the Iraqi government to take greater control
over the country.
The committee urges citizens to question potential candidates for
public office and send letters to the editor of local papers expressing
their views.
Sample Letter to the Editor
Questions to Ask Political Candidates
Read full statement of the Iraq Coordinating
on Iraq
A series of articles and reflections that explore
the human, cultural and economic impact
of war on the people of Iraq. |
September, 2006 The
Intimacies of War: A Personal Reflection on a Global Tragedy
Sister Rihab Mousa, OP is a member of the St. Catharine of
Sienna Dominicans based in Mosul, Iraq. She has lived with
the Dominican Sisters in Springfield since
2002 and is a student at Springfield College in Illinois.
June, 2006 Children
in Iraq: How well they are treated
will determine the future of the country. A report by the
United Nations NGO Working Group on Iraq. READ
May, 2006 Light
in the Midst of Darkness: Iraqi Dominicans Offer
Healing and Hope, Roberta Popara. OP (Sinsinawa).
April, 2006: frei Betto, OP: My
Dreams for Peace . What would happen if the world
followed Isaiah's vision for world peace? Read all about it.
2006: Rihab
Mousa, OP How much
can people take?
Thoughts on coming home to Mosul, Iraq
February, 2006 Luma Khudher: Dominican
Sister's first visit home in
3 years reveals a very different village than she left
January, 2006, Richard
Woods, OP, Catholics
and Dominicans in Iraq |

questions - click here
Letters - click here
of October 10, 2006)
Source: US Department
of Defense
Financial Cost of War
in Iraq
Below is a running total of the U.S. taxpayer
cost of the Iraq War.