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September 21st
International Day of Prayer for Peace

prayer for peaceSANTA SABINA Once again, the Domincan Order will participate in the annual International Day of Prayer for Peace on September 21st. . A project of the United Nations, the day offers people of every faith tradition an oportunity to pause and pray for peace.

Dominican men and women across the United States and the world will join with others in vigils, public prayers and private moments.

The North American Dominican Justice Peace and Care of Creation Promoters suggest public prayers such as processions, vigils and simply standing in a public place. Any activity at all that invites others is welcome and encouraged. Motherhouses may want to use already scheduled prayer times or special added prayer vigils or holy hours. Whatever way works, use it. Join the world wide Dominican Family in this moment of peace and solidarity.

Ways to Participate:
Places to Gather:
Ring Bells
Gather around a peace pole
Light Candles
Candles in window at night
Invite other Dominicans to join you
Invite friends
Walk in procession to a public park
Stand on the street corner
Hang Banners
Hold a holy hour
Pray the Rosary
Hang a banner
Social Service Centers
Day Care Centers
Retreat Centers
Federal Building
Public Park
Bus Stop
Subway Entrance

Things you can use:

Prayer Service

Make an Origami Peace Crane (Instruction sheet)

A page of the peace day logos and clipart

Learn more about the International Day of Prayer for Peace.

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