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Dominicans on the Ground in Africa
Food Crisis In Zimbabwe Raised by Dominicans at Annual Meeting

ADRIAN, MI - The urgent food crisis in Zimbabwe came to the forefront during the DLC Annual Meeting, when, during an open space session, members raised the issue and reported that the situation in Zimbabwe is at a critical moment.

Sr. Dominca, the provincial of the Domincian Sisters in Zambia who works in Zimbabwe said recently in a report from Dominican Sisters International, “The food situation in Zimbabwe is very critical -- so much so that we have to try and help people even in our poverty.  All the news we have received recently from Zimbabwe shows that many children are dying."

Since 2000, Zimbabwe's economy has rapidly declined; one of the region's strongest economies has shrunk by about two-thirds, with official inflation estimated at more than 11 million percent, unemployment at more than 80 percent, and shortages of food, fuel, and electricity commonplace.

The United Nations predicts that by early next year 5.1 million people, out of a population of about 12 million, will require food assistance. More than three million citizens are thought to have left Zimbabwe in recent years in search of employment.

“Millions of Zimbabweans have already run out of food or are surviving on just one meal a day – and the crisis is going to get much worse in the coming months,” said Mustapha Darboe, United Nations World Food Programme Regional Director for East, Central and Southern Africa. “WFP can prevent this crisis from becoming a disaster but we need more donations – and we need them now.”

Dominicans on the ground in Zimbabwe attest to the dire situation and report hunger is rampant. Sr. Patricia Walsh OP, Dominican Missionary Sisters, Harare, Zimbabwe reports, “For the past 35 years I have worked as a nurse here in Zimbabwe, many of those years spent in rural areas where we experienced severe droughts but until now I have not experienced the degree of hunger/starvation that I am seeing today. Please get the food out from behind the locked doors now. Every day spent asking questions as to whether I am hungry or not is a day when we will loose hundreds of vulnerable people because of hunger.” (read her full article here)

“A way to help is to send money to the Missionary Dominican Sisters whose generalate is in England and these sisters have the capacity to forward money to the most needy in Zimbabwe,” reported former DSI coordinator Margaret Ormond OP.

DSI has arranged for an emergency donation of $5,000 to assist the Dominican Sisters in Zimbabwe and Zambia for food and basic necessities.

Donation can be sent to the DSI Solidarity Fund through:

DSI Solidarity Fund
Kathleen McGinn, OP
555 Albany Avenue
Amityville, NY 11701

please designate your donation for the Zimbabwe Food Crisis.


Zimbabwe gov't urged to declare food shortages disaster

UN agency appeals for $140 million to feed Zimbabweans in crisis

What a Dominican Sister on the ground sees.


Donation can be sent to the DSI Solidarity Fund
Address below.

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