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Caldwell Dominicans Grant Peace Award

CALDWELL, NJ -- June 23, 2008 – Sister deMontfort Kinchellagh, OP (Caldwell) received the 2008 Dominican Peace Award recently in the congregation's Motherhouse Chapel.  The Caldwell Dominican Commission on Global Issues presented the award.

Her position as Councilor for Ministry in 1979 offered Sister deMontfort the opportunity to activate more fully her natural gift of leadership and her passion for justice.  She formed a Justice Committee for the Caldwell Dominican Community.  That committee originally known as the Church and World Committee evolved into the present day Commission on Global Issues.

In commenting on the choice of this year’s peace award recipient, Sister Mary John Kearney, OP, commented, “Sister deMontfort’s consistently superior leadership in the work for justice expands into many directions on behalf of our modern - and often wounded - world community.”  Her work for global justice spans three decades:

  • When the 1979 Sisters’ General Chapter voted to adopt a Boat Family, it was Sister deMontfort’s responsibility to coordinate that blessing to our Caldwell Community.  Sister is still in contact with the Tran Family.
  • Sister deMontfort was the central coordinator when the Caldwell Community hosted “Dominicans for Peace” at Caldwell College in 1982.  Dominican Sisters, Friars, and Laity from all across the USA arrived on campus - their “home base” - and then joined 750,000 marchers in New York City for the special UN session on disarmament.
  • As Councilor on the Sisters’ Leadership Team, Sister chaired the Church and World Committee for four years and remained an active member after her term of Community Leadership ended.
  • In 1999, Sister deMontfort responded to the call of her Community to become Chairperson of the Commission on Global Issues – a position she still holds at this present time.
  • Since 2002, Sister deMontfort has accepted the added responsibility of serving as the Caldwell Justice Promoter for the Northeast Dominicans.

Sister Peggy Ryan, OP, a member of the Caldwell Global Issues Commission, stated, “Sister deMontfort is a leader in the very best sense of the word.  She not only studies and acts personally in areas that demand a response for justice, but she invites, encourages, and supports many persons who work alongside her in this ministry of Truth.” 

All of the Commission members affirmed that “It is because of Sister deMontfort’s leadership, vision and passion for justice that the Commission on Global Issues is continually energized to continue our efforts to live our Congregational Vision Statement:  ‘We will hold the promotion of Justice as top priority in every area of our Congregation.’  It is with her guidance and direction that this Commission is empowered to provide information and raise awareness of individual and systemic injustices that demand a response from local, national and international community groups.” 

For more information, log on to www.caldwellop.org


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