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North American Justice Promoters Push for Action on Coming Israel/Palestine Summit

Capital HillCHICAGO, IL -- Some time in the fall, President Bush and Secretary of State Condolessa Rice will hold an international meeting dedicated to progress on a peace agreement that would end the conflict between Israelis and the Palestinians and create a viable state of Palestine. The meeting will take place in Annapolis, Maryland.

The North American Justice Promoters are asking Dominicans to take action that pushes for serious talks and diplomatic progress toward a Palestinian state and lasting, genuine peace in the region.

According to Dusty Farnan, OP (Adrian), Co-Promoter of Justice and Peace, congressional support for this diplomatic initiative is important and Dominicans are being urged to call or write to members of Congress, encouraging them to express their support for the summit.

"We see this as an important new initiatives at a time when the US has been very slow to engage in meaningful and sustained dialogue," said Sr. Dusty. "It is very important that Congress support this effort and therefore it is imperative that US citizens express their hopes for peace at this time," she said.

"Most of all, we would like Dominicans, as US citizens, to contact their representatives and ecourage Church leaders to support this new opportunity for lasting peace ," said Chuck Dahm, OP (St. Albert) Co-Promoter for Justice and Peace.



• Call the US Capitol Switchboard (202-224-3121) and the operator will transfer you to the appropriate office.

• Write a letter and email or fax it. Contact info for
Congressional offices is available on the left sidebar of this page or online at web sites such as

• Fax a copy of your letter to Secretary Rice at 202-647-2283.

See the Churches for Middle East Peace (www.cmep.org), for updates and more information about the summit.

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