Dominican Month for Peace 2019
First Sunday of Advent: Dominican Month for Peace in India has begun!
By Fr. Brendan Curran, O.P. (North American Dominican Co-Promoter of Justice, Peace and Care of Creation) The Annual Dominican Month for Peace in 2019 is focused on India. In 2017, we showed our solidarity with Dominicans promoting the national peace accord in Colombia; and in 2018, we supported our brothers and sisters struggling for democracy and […]
Second Sunday of Advent: A Voice Cries Out in the Desert for Respect for Tribal Peoples in India
As we remember the Dominican Month for Peace in India in Advent…. We remember: The tribal population of India, per the 2011 Census, is 104.3 million constituting 8.6% of the total population. 97% of them live in rural areas. Some of the major issues faced by tribals are land alienation, displacement, enforced migration, poverty, and […]
Third Sunday of Advent: The Human Rights Situation of Women in India
As we remember the Dominican Month for Peace in India in Advent… We remember: Women, who comprise nearly half the population of India, suffer social and economic discrimination and lack of social liberty with a dominant life experience of oppression, restrictions, violence and exploitation. While they play a vital role in managing the family and […]
Fourth Sunday of Advent: The Dignity of Children in India
Today we hear from the gospel of Matthew, “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel, which means “God is with us” (Mt 1: 23). As we pray on our final Sunday of Advent for the people of India around the world, may we pray for the way […]
Dominican Month for Peace
The Annual Dominican Month for Peace in 2019 is focused on India. In 2017, we showed our solidarity with Dominicans promoting the national peace accord in Colombia; and in 2018, we supported our brothers and sisters struggling for democracy and peace through credible elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In 2019, we focus on India and the plight of indigenous peoples, women's rights, and enslaved children.