Second Sunday of Advent: A Voice Cries Out in the Desert for Respect for Tribal Peoples in India

As we remember the Dominican Month for Peace in India in Advent….

We remember:

  1. The tribal population of India, per the 2011 Census, is 104.3 million constituting 8.6% of the total population. 97% of them live in rural areas. Some of the major issues faced by tribals are land alienation, displacement, enforced migration, poverty, and exploitation.
  2. In 2015, a total of 6,275 cases of atrocities against tribal peoples were registered in India. In addition, tribals lack access: to quality education in remote regions, to health care centres. Tribal peoples in the Northeast face problems of insurgency, atrocities under cover of Armed Forces Special Power Act and chronic ending tensions between northeastern states and the central government.
  3. The Indian Center for Integrated Development (ICID)has been established to empower the most vulnerable and disadvantaged members of our community to lead a dignified life.  ICID is an Initiative of the Indian Dominican Friars.  The mission of ICID is to inspire, enable and empower children and young people to become actors, in their development for a just and free society.
  4. One program, Manini, supports increased economic independence among disadvantaged rural women through sustainable livelihood opportunities. The program provides women from economically disadvantaged backgrounds with the opportunity to create sustainable livelihoods. About 200 women from rural communities in Umred Taluka, Nagpur district are engaged in activities that promote self-sustainability.
  1. For more information on the impact of these tribal programs:


Today we hear from the Prophet Isaiah, “A voice of one crying out in the desert: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord’ (Mt 3:3).   As we pray in our second Sunday of Advent for the people of India around the world, may we pray for the way of transformation among Indian government leaders and all leaders of the world to honor dignity and respect for tribal peoples.