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Stories about events on September 21st

Dominicans From Sparkill and Blauvelt Pray
Together for Peace

SPARKILL, NY _ September 24, 2007-- One by one, the women called out, wishing peace for "the suffering people of Darfur," "all the people engaged in war," and "all those who suffered violence and their perpetrators." About 80 women, mostly nuns from the Dominican Sisters of Sparkill and the Dominican Sisters of Blauvelt, September 21st, gathered in Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel in Sparkill and took part in a special prayer for world peace. READ MORE

Dominican Sisters in Kentucky Use Ritual of Sorrow |and Tears to Mark Day of Peace

ST. CATHARINE, KY - Dominican Sisters of St. Catharine, Kentucky and the Eucharistic Missionaries of St. Dominic gathered in Magdalen Chapel at the St. Catharine Motherhouse to pray for peace during the International Day of Peace on September 21.

An empty bowl, a jug of water and a small bowl of salt were presented to represent the World. The water was poured into the bowl as a symbol of common baptism with all Christians and the source of life shared with all people everywhere.

A pinch of salt was added as a symbol of the sorrow and the tears in our broken world followed by a pinch for each of the war torn areas around the globe. After the symbolic sorrow and tears were added, everyone was invited to come forward and bless themselves with the water.

“Peace is not merely the absence of war, nor can it be reduced solely to the maintenance of a balance of power between enemies, nor is it brought about by dictatorship. Instead, it is rightly and appropriately called an enterprise of justice,” Sr. Jeanne Moore (EMD) reminded those gathered to pray.

Houston Dominicans In Solidarity

HOUSTON, TX -- Students from the two Dominican high schools in Houston, St. Agnes and St. Pius X, joined the sisters at the administration and the Villa for a prayer service at noon.  They all rang bells as the main bell tolled, and broke bread as a sign of solidarity with those who suffer in the absence of peace.  Ceil Roeger, OP, Promoter of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation, organized the event.  Many of the students are past participants in the High School Preaching Conference

Racine Dominicans Offer Week Long Peace Initiative

ON SEPTEMBER 21, THE INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE, Racine Dominicans and other advocates for peace gathered at Siena Center to pray, not only for an end to the war in Iraq, but for true and lasting peace to prevail on Earth. "We call on our leaders to stop funding," concluded S. Jean Verber. "To bring our troops home safely and responsibly, to create a comprehensive peace plan that is based on equity and justice." READ MORE

San Rafael Dominicans Put Peace Ads in Local Theaters

MARIN COUNTY, CA.-- September 21, 2007 --Between screenings of Jody Foster's The Brave One and the western remake 3:10 to Yuma, in local theater complexes in San Rafael, the Dominican Sisters of San Rafael promoted peace through a series of cinema advertisements. Peace: Because Good Planets are Hard to Find (a message from the Dominican Sisters of San Rafael) is being shown in 39 theaters.

100-Year-old Bell Calls Amityville Dominicans to Prayer

AMITYVILLE, NY -- A 100-year old bell, used to call the community to prayer, called the community to peace at the Amityville Dominican Motherhouse. In other parts of the congregation, members of St. Ignatius Parish in Long Beach, NY participated in a minute of silence during the Angelus bell at noon.  Holy Cross Community in Hicksville held a vigil on the front lawn of the convent and neighbors placed candles in their windows.  At the motherhouse, Director of Human Resources,  Milena Morales, associate, used origami doves to call the group to prayer.

Sinsinawa Dominicans Look At International Dimension
of Justice and Peace

River Forest, IL -- Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa in the Chicago area invited other Dominicans to join them for September 21st prayer . Toni Harris, OP (Sinsinawa) International Dominican Co-Promoter of Justice and Peace, spoke to a group of 45 people on Dominicans Doing Justice: Our Legacy and Current Reality. Among the participates were Nigerian Dominican Sisters Cecilia and Franka Igweilo and Robin Richard, OP from New Orleans.

Dominican Sisters of Hope Prayer
at Mariandale, NY

Dominicans of Hope at Mariandale gather around the peace pole in Ossining, NY. The gathering included a procession across to the yard to the bell, where the group prayed and sounded the bell at various intervals. The ceremony ended with a sign of peace from the Assyrian, Chaldean Catholic rite - taking peace from one another and then sending it out to the universe

Federation Chapter Prayer for Peace

Hudson Valley Federation Chapter celebrating the International Day of Peace in Newburgh. The Federation Chapter has members from Blauvelt, Sparkill, Hope and Sinsinawa. The group meets every four to six weeks for prayer and reflection.

Adrian Dominicans Rally Students to Peace Day

International Peace Day celebration at Archbishop Lyke School, Cleveland., a school with Dominican Sisters of Adrian --Pinwheels for Peace at St. Henry campus (grades K-4)

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