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Prayers for Lent 2007
Week Five

Prayer and Visualization
for Planetary Healing

Divine energy, flowing from the Source, permeates all that is.  This fact is the basis for our belief in the communion of saints.  Through this communion we can connect with the “soul” of the other through prayer.   Our thoughts, healing energy and explicit prayers can and do effect the other. At this time, it is imperative that we remember that the other includes the land and the people of Iraq. In the midst of chaos, let us pray with confidence that peace will be brought to that land, and that all persons will be open to the Spirit who brings peace and harmony.

First, with reverence and devotion, prepare yourself by invoking the loving presence of God and the Cosmic Christ who are within you, in your circle or community gathered.

Know that God is the healer and we are God’s instruments.
Ask for the Light of Divine Love to be with you and to flow through you.

Visualize Earth.  (It is helpful to have a globe or a picture of Earth available.)
Observe the physical aspects of Earth.  Imagine Earth surrounded by white light.  Focus on Iraq and see Iraq filled with harmony and light.  Send healing light to the lakes, rivers and streams of Iraq.  See divine light nourishing the plants and grasses and trees of Iraq.  Send life force flowing to all of the many creatures of Iraq.

Visualize light and love flowing through the many mosques and churches of Iraq.  See the light of God shining forth through all religions, harmonizing their efforts and guiding their members to the highest Light. 

Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes concentrating on sending healing power to Iraq.

At the end of the time, pass the globe or picture of Earth around the circle and, in silence, place your hand on the Middle East. 

And finally pray:

            Spirit of the living God,
            Continue to send your healing light to Iraq.
            Though we cannot explain how this happens
            We believe in faith that your power and light can do all things. Amen.

Download this Prayer as a Word document

prepared for the Iraq Coordinating Committee by
Rene Weeks, OP
(Great Bend) and
Ann Marie Rimmer, OP (Caldwell)


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