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posted on October 30, 2006

Grand Rapids Dominicans Offer Helping Hand
in New Orleans

NEW ORLEANS, LA - In the slow and continuing recovery from the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the people of New Orleans experience the compassion and care of many groups. The Grand Rapids Dominicans are part of that compassion and recently spent time in New Orleans helping with recovery efforts. A 15-page PDF describes the visit with photos and story. READ MORE

Under the Ground We are All One: A Vigil of Mourning & Lament

Springfield Dominicans Plan ’Round-the-Clock Outdoor Vigil To Mourn the Loss of Life in Iraq

Springfield, Ill. – Increasing, dire reports about the loss of life in Iraq have compelled the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Ill., to express their grief with a ‘round-the-clock’ vigil to honor the dead. "Under the Ground We are All One: A Vigil of Mourning & Lament is scheduled to begin at 4 p.m. on Tuesday October 31. You can participate where you live as well. READ MORE

Dominican Laity InterProvincial Council Meets

METAIRIE, LA-- From October 19-22, 2006, the Dominican Laity Interprovincial Council (DLIPC), hosted by the Lay Dominicans of the Southern Province and representing the leadership of the North American provinces and vicariate, met at the Cenacle
Retreat Center. Agenda topics included issues of formation, statutes, apostolate, communications, peace and justice, lay preaching, the 200th Anniversary, and Congress 2007 to meet in Buenas Aires in March.READ MORE

Northeast Dominicans Explore Ecological Questions

SPARKILL, NY- The NorthEast Six Listening Day, held in Sparkill, had for its setting a crisp and sunny autumn day. On Saturday, October 14, a group of about 50 sisters of the Northeast Dominican congregations gathered to listen to Margaret Galiardi, OP (Amityville) and Pat Siemen, OP (Adrian). READ MORE

Roman Congregation Speaks Out Against Human Trafficking -- Calls for Troop Withdrawal from Iraq

LEWISTON, ME --The Dominican Sisters of the Roman Congregation met recently and took two public stands consistent with the North American Dominican Call to Justice document. The congregation expressed its opposition to human trafficking,
and the war in Iraq.

Dominicans Join 13 Congregations in Joint Opposition to Death Penalty

RACINE, WI - October 27, 2006-- Thirteen congregations of Catholic Sisters across Wisconsin are speaking with one voice opposing the possibility of reinstating the death penalty in the state. Two Dominicans congregations are among them. READ MORE

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Justice Alert
Dominicans at the United Nations:
New York


Notable in November: Dominocan FEASTS:

November 3rd:
St. Martin dePorres

November 15th
St. Albert the Great

In theaters this week:
CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD, details the dramatic journey of a down and out homeless man who inadvertently becomes an unlikely and highly acclaimed bestselling author and spiritual messenger. READ MORE
Read CNS's review

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