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Roman Congregation Speaks Out Against Human Trafficking -- Calls for Troop Withdrawal from Iraq

LEWISTON, ME --The Dominican Sisters of the Roman Congregation met recently and took two public stands consistent with the North American Dominican Call to Justice document. The congregation expressed its opposition to human trafficking,
the third largest and fastest growing criminal industry in the world.

In addition the sisters joined the Iraq Coordinating Committee (ICC) in calling for the withdrawal of US military trrops from Iraq. The ICC recently urged Dominicans to express their opposition to the war in the upcoming mid-term elections.

In making these statements, the congregation recalled its 2005 Chapter directive: "We need to offer the hope that the Holy Spirit gives us and to receive the hope of this world in which so many groups struggle against dehumanization: this is for us a sign of the times, and we acknowledge the presence of the Spirit in it. We wish to hold out the way of Christ before those... who are experiencing all kinds of deaths and suffering."

The Dominican Sisters of the Roman Congregation (CRSD) are an international group of Dominican women with sisters in Belgium, Benin, Brazil, Canada, Canary Islands, Chile, France, Italy, Japan, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United States. These 594 sisters live in about 80 communities grouped into seven provinces, one vice-province and one mission territory linked directly to the General Government.

The congregation is the result of the merger of five Dominican Congregations, having their origins as early as the 17th century and descending through the centuries to Saint Dominic himself. The congregation was established on December 9, 1959. It was affiliated to the Order of Preachers on January 10,1960.

Statement on Iraq

We, Dominicans of the CRSD’s United States Province, endorse the stance taken by the Iraq Coordinating Committee:

“We, the ICC, continue to hold President Bush and the United States Congress accountable for the ongoing killing of members of the military forces and of innocent Iraqi civilians. We urge President Bush to withdraw US military forces from Iraq and yield authority to the Iraqi people, their police and military forces at the earliest possible moment. Furthermore, we urge the President and the Congress, to withdraw US military bases that have been established and to meet their moral and financial obligations to rebuild the country.

“We strongly recommend that the U.S. government collaborate with the United Nations and the International Community to work with the Iraqi government on issues of national security, humanitarian aid, and reconstruction of the country. We continue to urge the UN and the Iraqi government to protect the rights of women and religious minorities.

“We call on the North American Dominicans to continue their support of our Dominican Family and the people in Iraq as they seek to rebuild their country. More than ever, the conflict in Iraq needs our prayers. We encourage the continued prayers of the Dominican Family for all those involved in this conflict: our brothers and sisters; the people of Iraq; the US occupying forces, Iraqi and international troops; the humanitarian workers; and the political leaders of the US and Iraq.

Against the Trafficking of Persons:

We, Dominicans of the CRSD’s United States Province, strongly oppose the trafficking of persons “by force, fraud, or deception for the purpose of exploiting them.” (Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking) We believe that all human beings have an inherent, God-given dignity and are not to be treated as objects for the economic advantage of others.


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