Ecuador Mission Notes:
St. Vincent Ferrer
Chris Eggleton, OP (St. Martin)
February, 2007
parish sits at the base of two large hills where the concrete
and tin roofed houses of our parishioners sit proudly together
one connected to the other. The people are mostly living
week to week on their meager finances; there are some families
who are living a more middle level economic standard. Most
of our parishioners are economically poor. The inside of
the homes are for the most part unpainted so that the grey concrete
blocks leave an unfinished sense in my mind when I visit these
humble homes. However, the outside of 90% of the homes
boast an abundance of paint in varieties of colors. It
is as if a giant artist had an equally colossal box of crayons
with a 100 different shades and mixtures of the rainbow of
colors and went about splashing crayon combinations with abandon! Brilliant
and a delight for the eyes.
Guayaquil is a growing port city with hills, the very wide
River Guayas, and a people predominantly Catholic who are forever
in search of any reason to sing and dance. There is a public
government plaza right in front of the church building and there
is usually a band from a school or a theatrical offering
going on esp., in the late afternoons and evenings. It
is an alive and thriving place!
Arriving here on the 14th of November of 2006, I have been
increasingly immersed in a culture richly endowed with the native
peoples of the Amazon, or Eastern portion of Ecuador, the peoples
of the mountain sierras, and the people of the coast. Some
of the native peoples have no Spanish blood in their ancestry,
while some do. Our parish too has a variety of
Ecuadorans from these varieties of backgrounds. I
feel especially blessed to be a part of it all. The people
have been so very accepting and hospitable.
 These first couple of months have been months of noticing
and learning from the ways of going about life here in this culture,
including the ways in which the faithful practice
their faith. Here's an example: Every Monday
we celebrate ten Masses at least because Monday's have become
the day when one of our Dominican saints, Saint Vincent
Ferrer, a great preacher and healer, is venerated in prayerful devotion. After
each Mass, the faithful from all over the city and surrounding
areas come up to the altar rail (at times by the hundreds) to
receive a blessing with water blessed earlier in a large
outdoor fountain. This sprinkling goes on until all have
been thoroughly sprinkled, while all the time the people
sing a song remembering the works of St. Vincent. Immediately
following this water blessing, the priest, with a small relic
of the saint in hand, encased in a kind of mini monstrance, proceeds
to place the relic on each person's forehead. The faithful
also bring holy cards, candles by the hundreds, and water jugs
to also receive the touch of the relic. I move back and
forth behind the altar rail blessing heads, cards, candles, water
bottles, and whatever else these devoted Monday pilgrims may
bring. One Monday a man pulled out from under the back
of his shirt a large rabbit-eared TV antennae -- perhaps
he was searching for a better signal via St. Vincent's intercession. There
is some work to be done in catechesis here, but using the
depth of faith the people are already in possession of.
I continue to learn of the richness of the traditions in culture
and faith and feel like I'm becoming by God's wisdom and grace
like a new wineskin to hold the new wine of the goodness of God
and the goodness of the people here in Guayaquil. ''New
wine, new wineskins.'' (Mark 2:22)
There are 3 or 4 underfunded clinics and hospitals in our
immediate area. There is a clinic for those living and
dying with AIDS. I have been honored with being able to
pray and celebrate the Sacrament of the Sick with several patients
recently. The patients, all of them, extremely thin and
wasting away, light up with hope and joy when their priest and
their family is present for prayer, Sacrament, and conversation
together. All are transformed to some significant degree
by Christ's Good Shepherd presence with all of us together in
faith. The patients' and their loved ones' faith offers
solace, comfort, and hope in Christ's own suffering. Again,
I experience God's blessings in these powerful moments.
 We have the enormous Galapagos turtles nearby which I
see every day, giant colorful iguanas by the hundreds in parks,
esp., at the central business district in the city, and a multitude
of grillos (crickets) which are like a plague here after every
rain. It's something to behold. The come out in the
millions. The other morning as I walked into the church
for the morning Eucharist, the noisy and crook-legged critters
carpeted the stone floor. When I walked into the chapel the
crickets formed a veritable moving sea; they jumped
and parted out of the way of my feet as I stepped gingerly
I know what Moses must have felt like!
So much more to relate to you as in the processions we have
had at Christmas processing through the streets evangelizing
by singing, praying the rosary together, and offering prayers
of intercession for the people.
Know that you are well thought of here and how much I miss
you each one! Thank You for all the generous and thoughtful
sendoff's you offered me and please, let us keep one another
in prayer. You are in my thoughts and prayers here in the
Southern Hemisphere.
God loves us one of you so much. I just wish He's cease
sending us the grillos!
Contact Chris at:
Iglesia Santo Domingo de Guzman
110 Y Plaza Colon
Las Peñas
09 01-7148 |