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2007 CODALC Meeting, Lima

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Ecuador Mission Notes:
Men and Women Working Together
Chris Eggleton, OP (St. Martin)

March, 2007

¡Saludos desde Lima! Greetings from Lima!

Along with Marty Gleeson, Brian Pierce, and Linus Dolan, I am here in the community of Saint Rose for the Dominican Interprovincial Conference on Latin America and the Caribbean which is held every three years.  At the outset of this week-long meeting we were offered a two-day retreat (with approximatey 110 Dominican women and men in attendance) by Gabriela Zengarini, OP and Timothy Radcliffe, OP. Our Master, fray Carlos Aspiroz, also preached at the solemn profession of one of the brothers in St. Rose Church, beautifully singing a refrain from one of the songs at the end of the homily.  Impressive! ... and he included various members of our Dominican family in his homily.

Timothy Radcliffe
Timothy Radcliffe, OP

Gabriela Zengarini, OP

In one of his several presentations concerning 'collaboration of Dominican men and women in doing theology', Timothy offered the following:

''It is only as men and women theologians work together in equality that we shall discover if our minds work in exactly the same way or not.  My intuition is that if we work together in mutual respect, then men and women will both evolve in how we think, and we shall think more humanly!  But in the mean time no one can impose one form of rationality, one model of discussion.  Men especially must resist the temptation to insist that one form of rationality is the only valid one.''

  Timothy also says, ''Yves Congar said that he loved the truth as he loved a person.  When you love someone, then you love every little bit of them, how they walk, how they hold their head, how they smile, the quality of their hair, their sense of humour.  That is how we should love the gospels, being touched by their grain and texture.  If you love the scriptures, then they will never cease to surprise you.''

During this week we have been priveleged to listen to and to dialogue with other theologians such as Antonieta Potente, OP, Gustavo Gutierrez, OP, and Carlos Josaphat, OP.  Since dialogue among peoples, among theologians, among Dominican Family members, and among entities within the Church has been a key theme at this conference, I believe those attending this conference have been harvesting the fruit of such sharing and storytelling right here.  There is a clear reality at this house of Rose of the desire to preach and to care for souls by connecting with and becoming immersed in the experiences of joys, dreams, hurts, and other sufferings of the other Dominican family member. 

Back in Ecuador, John Restrepo, Charles Johnson, and I have steadily continued to learn as we move ever more deeply and willingly, and, not without a healthy dose of fear and trembling into the cultural hum & buzz of Dominican community life and parish life in Guayaquil.  There is a riverwalk along the River Guyas beside which our convent sits which goes for more than a mile. I am reminded of the riverwalk alongside the Mississippi in New Orleans.  It is a reminder of our province's presence here in this collaborative mission endeavor.
Thanks for your prayers and welcome communications with us in Guayaquil!
We are obtaining internet access service this month as the installation with fiberoptics has begun.  This of course will assist all of us in communications.
Blessings in the common life & mission!
Chris Eggleton, OP

Men and Women Working Together

St. Vincent Ferrer Parish

Chris Eggleton
Chris Eggleton, OP, a member of St. Martin Province, has recently been missioned to Guayaquil, Edcuador, here are his occasional notes on his experience.

Retreat Talks from Gabriela Zengarini, OP

Mary of Guadalupe: Receive and Announce the Word
Part 1of 2 Retreat Presentation by Gabriela Zengarini, OP (Argentina)
to the CODALC Assembly, 2007

SEE companion document Nican Morpohua

Bartolome De Las Casas and Saint Rose of Lima
Doing Theology in Latin America

2 of 2 Retreat Presentation by Gabriela Zengarini, OP (Argentina)
to the CODALC Assembly, 2007

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